How to draw toes.
How to draw toes. Drawing feet. Figurative art.
In this easy to follow tutorial, you will learn a simple method on how to draw toes. The toes are often overlooked despite having such an important role in our design. Without toes, we could neither stand nor walk, as the toes provide balance, weight bearing, and thrust.
When executing a life drawing the focus tends to be more on the body shape, face and the overall subject. There is very little to no attention paid to the toes. They are just one of those things that we all have and are all too often overlooked so are quickly sketched at the end of the feet with little thought on how to draw them and its job done. Toes come in many shapes and sizes, considered by some to be a highly erotic and sensual part of the foot and yet to others they are ugly. So learning how to draw toes correctly is an important part of the overall look of your subject.
Drawing toes: Bones of the toe.
In the sketch below, you can see how the toes form a major part of the foot. Note also that the toes are in fact more than what you see at the end of the foot. The toes join from the Tarsus group of bones that include the heel ankle and instep of the foot. There are five Metatarsus bones in each foot and are the long bones located between the tarsal bones of the hind midfoot and the phalanges. The toe bones are the Phalanges. There are three Phalanges bones in each toe with the big toe only having two as shown below.

Drawing the toes.
When drawing the toes I try to imagine each toe as two small ovals connecting to the foot. The next thing I do is decide on the shape of the toe by lightly outlining around the two ovals to form the toe shape. Then I roughly ad the toenail giving the initial appearance of the toe that I can then fine tune along with the shape to give me my finished toe.

How to draw: Positioning of the toes.
When drawing toes it is important to remember that the toes do not run in a straight line with each other. As shown below in fig 1.
As demonstrated in the sketches below, I tend to try to line each toe up with the top or midpoint of the neighbouring toenail. I also always start from the big toe.
When first learning how to draw toes this is not a bad method to use. However, you should also take into account the position of the foot and the placement of each toe in accordance. It is always common though for the little toe to be slightly lower than the top of the neighbouring toes, toenail. Sometimes it can even be slightly higher as demonstrated in the sketches below. This method is not necessarily the best method for drawing all toes. You will find that feet See also and toes vary considerably depending on your subject. With that said, I find that this method works for me.

In all of the above sketches, it is easy to make out the initial two ovals that form the basis of each toe. If you roughly know the shape and look that you are trying to achieve the rest is just fine-tuning. Make sure that the toes look comfortably placed in your sketch and that the positioning of the toenails is correct and correspond with each toe. Always try to curve the toe nails slightly to the shape of the toe. Remember toes are cylindrical in shape. They are no straight sides. Draw your toenail flat and you will no longer have a toe.