Below is a selection of some of the best Kids educational links and kids educational resources online. If you want to be listed here please suggest a resource.
11 plus for parents. The aim of 11 Plus for Parents is to assist parents who wish to help their children through the 11 Plus.
A Plus Math. This web site was developed to help students improve their math skills interactively.
Cool Math 4 Kids. Math games, fun math lessons, puzzles and brain benders, flash cards for addition, subtraction, multiplication and division, geometry, fractals and polyhedra.
Fun Brain. Math games for all ages. Games include Math Baseball, Power Football, Change Maker, Fresh Baked Fractions, Line Jumper, and Shape Surveyor.
Math. Free Maths worksheets Maths Games, Homework help and more.(Kids Know It network)
Math Cats crafts. Math activities: 3D geometry, tessellations, symmetry, polygons, conversions, number stories, multiplication fun interactive math projects, math art and crafts, math writing contests, math story problems.
Math is fun. Math explained in easy language, plus puzzles, games, quizzes, worksheets and a forum. For K-12 kids, teachers and parents.
Mathletics. Mathletics is the next generation in learning, helping students enjoy maths and improve their results. Mathletics covers Key stage 1 to A level national curriculum framework.
Math Playground. Action packed math site for elementary and middle school students featuring math games, math word problems, math worksheets, logic puzzles, and math videos.
Varsity testsFree practice test, flashcard and classroom assessment resource.