Affiliate marketing programs.
Make money from your website using PPL, PPS, PPC
Affiliate programs.
Well known Affiliate marketing programs.
When I originally started this experiment I was only going to concentrate on two Affiliate marketing programs. Although there are many to choose from I have found that the more affiliate programs I used the harder it was to keep track of them all. There is also the fact that in terms of selling products on your web site, sometimes less is more. If you place too many products within your content it confuses customers causing them to navigate away from your site.
Amazon Affiliate marketing.
My first choice was of course Amazon., Inc. (NASDAQ: AMZN) is a US-based multinational electronic commerce company. Their headquarters are based in Seattle, Washington. Their main focus is E-commerce cloud computing and AI (Artificial intelligence.) They are the world's largest online retailer of books, music, movies, and games along with electronics, toys, apparel, sports, tools, groceries and general home and garden items.
Amazon coverage.
They have global media coverage and are a household name depending on your location in the world. Amazon operates sites in the United Kingdom, Germany, France, Japan, Canada, Italy, and China ( This provides global access to sell not only their products but your own as well. You can do this by setting up an account to sell your own products using their low-cost, low-investment, incremental sales channel. You can also create your own branded online store enabling you to create your own profitable direct-to-customer business.
Amazon Referral fees.
Amazon allows you to earn up to 15% in referral fees by promoting items on your website. You can choose from the millions listed in the Amazon and Javari online catalogue. All in all Amazon give you a great way to earn money while adding compelling content to your site. This allows you to set up multiple separate accounts for the countries of your choice and operate them from an easy to associate account. Thia allows you to pick and choose banners, set up widgets, or sell products individually via your website.
Early experiences.
To be honest, when I first started using Amazon I had little success with both and The returns were small on both my accounts so receiving a regular income seemed impossible. This, however, was due to my own lack of experience in implementing Amazon into my site. Having researched Amazon some more I found that others were having a lot of success with the Amazon platform so I am certain my lack of income was down to me not doing enough research in the first place and not using the knowledge of others like that contained in the books shown.
Amazon features.
Amazon has discontinued a lot of its features such as it's aStores as, and I quote. " Following a review of all integration types (aStore, widgets, contextual links, API and Data Feed) across all associates within the UK, it was noticed that the aStore had by quite some distance the poorest conversion rate, and was therefore under delivering for the vast majority of associates. It has no discontinued its various widget options including its Native shopping ads and now mainly offers promotoins, Site Stripe, Onelink and product API.

Coupled with this, it required significant development resource to keep the tool working." Since first writing this article I have now phased out all of my astores choosing now to use contextual links within my content which are now beginning to generate some income. I may also start to experiment with Amazons API (Application program interface.) in the future and will let you know how I get on. I have incorporated a lot more product links within my content and have began to see a steady increase in sales.
Customer clicks.
Another thing I notice on a regular basis is that I get a lot of clicks on my amazon products but not many conversions which first left me wondering if the pre-prepared ad codes were corrupt, however after more research I found out that this is normal. If you do choose to use Amazon Affiliate marketing programs within your content do not worry if this happens. Since first writing, this article I have now started to use amazons contextual advertising and also placing product links within my content which is now starting to see returns.
API reference source from Amazon:
"The Product Advertising API provides programmatic access to Amazon’s product selection and discovery functionality. This allows developers like you to advertise Amazon products to monetize your website. The Product Advertising API helps you advertise Amazon products using product search and look up capability, product information and features such as Customer Reviews, Similar Products, Wish Lists and New and Used listings.
You can make money using the Product Advertising API to advertise Amazon products in conjunction with the Amazon Associates program. Be sure to join the Amazon Associates program to earn up to 8.5% in referral fees when the users you refer to Amazon sites buy qualifying products." Amazon has recently updated the Product Advertising API rates policy to reduce usage limits for accounts which are not driving revenue. This came into effect from the 23rd Jan 2019. .
The Product Advertising API helps you advertise Amazon products using product search and look up capability, product information and features such as Customer Reviews, Similar Products, Wish Lists and New and Used listings. You can make money using the Product Advertising API to advertise Amazon products in conjunction with the Amazon Associates program. Be sure to join the Amazon Associates program to earn up to 8.5% in referral fees when the users you refer to Amazon sites buy qualifying products." Amazon has recently updated the Product Advertising API rates policy to reduce usage limits for accounts which are not driving revenue. This came into effect from the 23rd Jan 2019.
Affiliate Window marketing program.
My second choice affiliate marketing program is Affiliate Window.
Affiliate Window is a UK based company that like Amazon has a global network of offices worldwide. They offer you the tools to make money from traffic on your website, blog or email database. You simply pick up text links, banners, product feeds data or widgets from online retailers via the Affiliate Window network and include them on your website.
Depending on your content and audience profile, you can work with their biggest merchant sites. These include some of the biggest names in retailing. You also have the capability to select more niche operators. Whatever you decide, there are plenty of retailers to choose from. The beauty of Affiliate Window's technology is that it requires very little technical expertise. By joining the network you can offer price or product comparison. Carry banners, text links, white label offerings or design and use Content Window widgets. All this plus market leading reporting tools and analytics are just a few clicks away.
To open an Affiliate Window account Click here.
As with all affiliate marketing programs, it is important to continue to build relevant links and add new original content to your pages on a regular basis. This helps ensure that the search engines take notice and index your pages for your customers to find so as to ensure a steady flow of hits on your adverts as without search engine presence your products will not be found.
Traffic is key.
As with all web-based income you need traffic to your site. Without traffic, you will not get customers and without customers, you will not generate any sales. This is one of the main problems experienced when setting up affiliate marketing programs so before you consider doing so concentrate first on creating good content and building your presence within the search engines. If your site is not generating enough hits you may find that your affiliate account will automatically be cancelled.
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